Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
Mail: PO Box 664, Spring Branch, TX 78070
Physical: 9850 FM 311, Spring Branch, TX 78070
Phone 830.885.2130
email: Admin@ComalTrinityGCD.com

Maintain the hill country way of life by conserving, protecting, and preserving our Trinity groundwater resources.
July 2021 Potentiometric Surfaces of the Lower and Middle Trinity Aquifers in Southwestern Hays County, Texas (pdf)
From The Watershed Association:
"The scientific report documenting the summer 2021 well visits is now available. The Lower Trinity and Middle Trinity Aquifer potentiometric surface maps presented in this report are indices for aquifer health and characterize Trinity Aquifer flow regimes in-depth. The maps provided are compared to previous studies and will be valuable timestamps for future studies. Additionally, basic water chemistry data were collected for both aquifers during this study and are discussed in this report.
During summer 2021, the Watershed Association teamed up with the Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District and the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District and visited over 60 private wells in northern Comal County and western Hays County."
More information and details: https://watershedassociation.org/2022/01/31/results-from-trinity-aquifers-well-visits/