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District Forms

Note:  You may click on any of the links below to open the respective Adobe .pdf file to complete the form on your computer.  Then, print and save the completed form to your computer.   To get the completed form to us, you may either:

     1) snail-mail the form to us at: PO Box 664, Spring Branch, TX  78070; 

     2) scan and  email the form to us at

Well Registration form: 


(click here)


All non-exempt Trinity wells located within the Comal County are required to register with the District as of January 1, 2016.  Please complete the form, provide well owner signature and return by USPS or via email.  Please include a photo of the well meter face.  


Pump Equipment Form: 

To be completed and submitted upon completion of the well and pump setting.


To be completed and submitted for approval in order to drill a new well, alter an existing well, or drill a test bore.  Please print and sign.  The property owner must sign the form. In the case of Entity ownership, provide corporate document that names the Principal. The Principal will need to sign the form.


If Legal Owner must designate an agent or representative to sign and make decisions on their behalf, the Owner or Corporate Officer or Trustee must have signature notarized on the CTGCD "Notarized Authorization for Representative" Form. 


Quarterly Pumpage Reporting


All non-exempt Trinity wells located within the Comal County are required to report water pumped each quarter to the District on the District Pumpage Reporting Form, which can be printed here  Or click below to fill in online and print. Due by the 10th of the month following the end of the quarter.

Plugging Application Form

CTGCD Rule 6.9 requires:
(1) Not later than the 30th day after the date a landowner or other person who possesses a deteriorated or abandoned well learns of its condition, the well shall either be brought back into District compliance as outlined in Chapter 6 to protect the aquifer or be plugged in accordance with Administrative Rules of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter §76.104, as amended, or as stated in Chapter 6.9.
(2) Prior to plugging a well’s casing, liner, or bore hole, the plugging plan shall be submitted to the District. Written authorization shall be obtained from the District prior to initiating the plugging operation.

Notarized Authorization for Representative Form: 



Use this form to designate a Representative or Agent as Signatory to act on behalf of property owner and authorize said representative to perform all binding and non-binding actions required by Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District during the application, approval and construction process, including but not limited to, signing, processing, issuance, and acceptance of permit or certification, and in complying with any and all standards and special conditions attached. 

Rainwater Catchment and Water Conservation Recognition Application:  
(Click Here)


Comal Trinity

Groundwater Conservation District

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We are working tirelessly to protect your Trinity Aquifer water resources.  If you have questions, feel free to contact us at:


PO Box 664, Spring Branch, TX 78070

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